Saturday, May 22, 2010

Planting Day at Stearns Farm -- May 22, 2010

Quick report -- We had 10 adults and 8 children at our planting day at Stearns Farm. We planted peppers, saved spinach from evil larvae, moved mulch, potted flowers, removed dead beet plants, had a great lunch, and even found time to play on the swing (some of us!). The weather was perfect, and we can't wait to come back and pick those peppers!  We know the food pantry will appreciate the share of food we will start bringing to them in June.

(Now from a kid's point of view.) At the beginning we had a limited choice of jobs, but later in the day we were allowed to do more things. Except pepper planting. Some of us played half the time. It's really fun, and I think more kids should come. The lunch could have been better. But the grown-up's liked it. Some of us kids like planting veggies more than eating them.


  1. Sounds like a productive and fun day! I enjoyed reading the kids' perspective.

  2. Keep up the good work. As a kid I worked in my father's garden. Especially tasty were the peas and the pods, carrots, and tomatoes fresh from the garden and raw. I also liked beet greens cooked with vinegar and butter, and cooked corn on the cob. Weeding was hard work in the hot sun, but it was great to have potatoes and carrots in the cellar for the winter and canned corn and tomatoes. I am glad the kids liked the work and some day they may grow to like the vegetable soup. Still I do not like parsnips. Parsnips can stay in the ground all winter until time to eat.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. We're reading these comments in an all-church meeting. You're correct, the grown-ups liked the lunch! Some say that pepper planting wasn't all that terrific (Pastor Brad had a blister). Did you get blisters playing on the swings?

    Thanks, kids, for all you did! We look forward to the fruits of your labors!

  5. It was very fun. No, I did not get a blister, and thanks for all the sharing about your childhood.

    From the writer of The Kids Version

  6. Very proud of the work done by adults and kids. Gardening can be fun work and you will enjoy watching the garden grow and sharing the crops.
