Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Thank you Sierra Club -- report on "local food" event

Thank you to the Framingham Sierra Club for an informative, well-attended meeting on local food at the Framingham library last night (March 29th).  I've added some new links to "places to find local food" on the lower right side of this blog page -- Silverwood Organic Farm in Sherborn and the Mass Local Food Co-op that may be coming to Framingham.  Contact Kelly O'Connor: if you are interested in the Mass Local Food Co-op  (note, this isn't a commitment to participate) or interested in volunteering to help run a drop-off site in Framingham (driving, helping to distribute orders, co-ordinating, etc.)
Anyone else attend the meeting, or know of places (markets, farms, etc) that I should add to our local food list?  I have the feeling I have not found everything yet!  I would love to find more place to buy eggs, for example.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Earth Hour -- tonight -- Saturday, March 26th, 8:30 - 9:30 p.m.

Can you turn off all your lights and electronic devices  for one hour tonight?  This has become an annual event  -- check out the website for more information on "Earth Hour" --  I just saw this on today's Carbon Fast -- and like most of the things on the fast, I think it's worth a try. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Lenten Carbon Fast -- Discussion

Lent started this week and some of us are signed up for the Lenten Carbon Fast -- sponsored by the New England Council of Churches -- you can still sign up here.

The fast gives you daily email suggestions of things to do and prayerfully consider.  Here's a summary so far:

Day 1 -- commit to the fast!
Day 2 -- pick a lightbulb anywhere in your home and take it out for the duration of the fast
Day 3 -- slay "vampire power" in your home -- unplug power plugs needlessly using electricity
Day 4 -- sign up for an energy audit through NSTAR or your own power company
Day 5 -- consider how 20% of the earth's population use 80% of its resources

I was a little dubious at first thinking I'm "ahead of the curve" on some things and at my limit on others.  But then I found an extra light-bulb in my bathroom that turns on every time I turn on the bathroom light -- I get along fine without it.  If all 1,000 people in the fast do the same, that's not insignificant.  I went looking for vampire power and found two things I'd forgotten about.  I got to pat myself on the back for already having an energy audit.  And the thought for Day 5 prompted me to get some laundry on the line today, even though the weather is a bit borderline, and the girls had a great time running through the towels.  A clothes dryer is quite a luxury in the grand scheme of things -- after all I'm lucky to have a washer compared to a lot of mothers around the world.  And you can't play "run through the towels" when they are in the dryer.

So looking forward to the next 35 days -- anyone else have any reactions to the fast?