Saturday, June 26, 2010

Next Event --- "Food for Thought" -- Friday, July 9, 6 p.m.

"Food for Thought" Stone Soup Dinner and Movie Night -- at Grace Church, 76 Salem End Rd., Framingham

Dinner at 6 p.m., Viewing of the Film "Food, Inc." at 7 p.m. We will also show "Wall-e" for the kids.

Bring an appetizer or dessert if you can, we'll provide the soup, movie, and plenty of food for thought. Please come to share our dinner and film night. All are welcome!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hands Across the Sand -- 11 a.m., Saturday, June 26 -- Beaches Around the World

A few members of the Earthcare group will be trying to get to the beach this weekend -- not just because Saturday looks to be a beautiful day, but to say "never again!" to the disaster in the Gulf and call for support of clean energy. We will be holding hands across a beach protesting off-shore oil drilling. Would you like to come?

See  "Hands Across the Sand" for more information.